Everywhere today sex is being talked about; by the young and old, the ignorant and knowledgeable. It is even being advertised on our social media platforms today which it seem as though it is losing its value. Well, sex as an issue for discussion is one that is particularly interesting to talk about but that is only when we come across those who are quite equipped with proper knowledge about it.
        To the layman, sex has to do with the joining together of the male and the female sexual organs   either for reproduction or pleasure or even for both. But, it doesn’t just end there. There are also the obvious physical and psychological consequences as well as some other attributes attached to this human mutual act, of which we probably have a little knowledge and hope to learn more about, taking most of my findings from the Holy bible
        Firstly, let us quickly take our minds back to the creation story in the book of Genesis from the holy bible, particularly Gen  1:31 — Here, the bible makes us to understand that after God had created everything – man, the garden, livestock etc. He said that everything was good, and that I believe, is sex inclusive. However, some may be tempted to argue the credibility of this fact, but if you agree with me that God knows the beginning from the end, and that his designs were uniquely perfected (creating man and an opposite equal as companion), then you would also agree that God has sanctioned this act. It may sound quite shocking, but that is the fact.
        Now, a lot of people often ask this question― does God hate sex. To this question the answer is quite lucid. God does not hate sex and it is clear because he cannot just hate something he sanctions. What God hates is sexual immorality, which he hates just as much as every other sin. The perpetrators of this sinful act runs from the unmarried youths to the unmarried adults and even some married ones (those do it outside marriage). However, it is my belief that God’s purpose for sex was for marriage ― a union that he has blessed.  Only those bounded by this union are allowed to engage in it. Contrary to this, unmarried individuals now have sex when they want to, how they want to and with whosoever they choose to, for no other reason than satisfying their urge for such pleasures. To this end, it becomes pertinent to outlay the various reasons for which sex was made. They are as follows:
1.       FOR REPRODUCTION: Of course, the most important and obvious reason for sex according to the bible was for the extension and continuation of humanity, which could only be made possible by reproduction.  The bible says God blessed man and said “be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth”. From the above, we see that God blessed the couple and asked them to multiply and that extends to us today.
2.       FOR COMPANIONSHIP:  The bible highlights in Eph 5:31 that “therefore a man shall leave his father’s house and cleave to his wife and both shall become one flesh”. From the above scripture, we discover that sex is not just being intimate for pleasure sake but that it is also a spiritual obligation for bonding the union blessed by God (marriage). Sex was actually created by God to keep a man and woman together in marriage. Today we find out that when a man or woman engages in sex, they sort of become a bit engulfed in the act and desire to do more.  It didn’t just happen, the fact is that their flesh being joined together during the act brought many things into book unknown to both parties. They both take and deposit something in themselves which eventually brings about the sudden and intense desire to continue after the first. So that is why people that have engaged in sex find it very difficult to stop at one. Even in marriages, we discover that when one partner outrightly denies the other of sex, there are bound to be problems and most times, if not properly handled, could result to broken homes. In such cases we see the sexually deprived partner being tempted to satisfy his or her sexual urge outside marriage.
        In summary, it is of my opinion that unmarried individuals should learn to keep themselves and give their all only to people who are ready to spend their entire lives with them to avoid the negative implications of engaging in sex inappropriately. Married couples on the other hand are also advised to embrace the spirit of intimate communications with one another so as to evade unnecessary problems in marriage.
                               Written by: Faith Kings


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